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We are a nonprofit, multi-service Community Health Centre that is playing an active role in the community since 1969. We offer a full range of community services delivered by a diverse team of professionals. Our team includes doctors, nurses, social workers, counsellors, dietitians, community developers, health promoters, and outreach workers.


We provide a full range of quality health and social services to families and individuals who live or work in the communities we serve. Care is delivered in more ways than one: one-on-one services, personal-development groups, and community level involvement. While most services are offered in both English and French, cultural interpretation is available and some groups are offered in other languages. Through active community engagement, we strive to respond to local needs and deliver tailored services. We contribute to the collective effort of improving individual and community health by addressing underlying conditions.



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Community Garden


We believe in an integrated approach to care that is holistic, non-discriminatory, caring, and innovative. Collaboration is imperative to us. This fosters the clients’ and the communities’ control over their increased wellbeing. We also believe that our open doors should lead to the vast network of services available. By working together, we make it easier for clients to navigate the healthcare network.



We acknowledge that historical and present socio-political realities and systems have resulted in systemic disadvantages for many members of our community. We commit to work from principles of justice, anti-oppression and decolonization to acknowledge these systemic injustices and to address them, both within our Centre and in the broader community.


We look for what is already working at the community level. We honor and uplift traditional, Indigenous, and local knowledge and practices. We share our resources, knowledge and tools, and work with equity-deserving groups and partner organizations to co-develop and amplify community-owned solutions to the health inequities these groups experience. We ensure that we work towards equitable health systems in ways that promote accountability, accessibility and collaboration.


We recognize and respect the agency, dignity, rights, and strengths of the diverse people in our community. We commit to meeting the unique and diverse needs of the communities we serve. We recognize that unequal distributions of social capital in our society compromise access to the social determinants of health for certain groups and we strive to deliver services that address these inequities. This means providing equitable access to appropriate,  high-quality services; to care experiences that are culturally safe, welcoming, and comfortable; and to service outcomes that optimize the health and wellbeing of all CCHC clients.


We believe in our clients’ and our communities’ right to have a voice in decisions that impact them, whether this relates to the care they receive or broader systems planning and policy decisions that impact their health and wellbeing. We believe that clients and communities are experts based on their unique lived experiences and have valuable contributions to bring to decision-making processes. Likewise, we believe in our staff’s right to have a voice in decisions that impact their work, their job satisfaction, and their wellness. We recognize that our staff’s lived experiences and adjacency to the communities we serve is our greatest organizational strength, and we actively create opportunities for dialogue and feedback to ensure that this collective wisdom can guide our work in important ways.


We embrace continuous learning as a means of responding to our community’s evolving needs,of promoting excellence in our  programs and services, and of reducing the likelihood and impact of organizational risks (including client safety incidents). We set annual improvement targets for the staff/client experience and strive to improve organizational indicators of equity,effectiveness, and value-for-money for the services we offer. We encourage lifelong learning and support our staff to access a variety of professional development and growth opportunities. We embrace a culture of patient safety and seek to improve care by improving our systems rather than by relying on staff never to make mistakes. We use data, evidence, best practice guidelines, and the lived  experiences of our client/staff to engage in continuous quality improvement that is client-centred and community-focused.


OUR VISION: A vibrant and inclusive community where individuals can thrive.

OUR MISSION: Centretown Community Health Centre provides health and social programs. We serve individuals, families and communities.

We work with community to achieve health, safety, and justice for all

OUR VALUES: Anti-Oppression | Equity | Empowerment | Collaborative Leadership | Continuous Learning

By 2026, we commit to...


Reimagining Our Work from an Anti-Oppression Perspective

1.1 Use community knowledge and lived experience to inform program planning and evaluation


1.2 Identify and address structural biases to create a more positive, welcoming environment for clients, staff and volunteers


1.3 Build system capacity to provide gender-affirming care


1.4 Build system capacity to support anti-oppression work by becoming an interdisciplinary learning hub for a team-based care serving vulnerable and equity-seeking groups


1.5 Develop our capacity to undertake Community-Based Participatory Action Research alongside equity-seeking communities

Supporting Wellbeing and Contributing to Community Resilience

2.1 Improve the range of supports available to maintain our clients' and community members' health and wellbeing


2.2 Improve our community's capacity to respond to emergent issues in an effective, coordinated way that emphasizes an equity-focused response

Building a Virtual Care System based on principles of Digital Equity

3.1 Develop and equity-focused strategy to guide the development of our virtual care services


3.2 Ensure that clients from all backgrounds have a positive experience with out virtual care services (when requested and where appropriate)


3.3 Ensure that staff feel well supported to deliver virtual care services

Keeping CCHC healthy and resilient in a changing environment

4.1 Improving staff wellbeing and the degree to which they feel engaged and supported in their work


4.2 Ensure that all staff have a profession development plan and feel supported in their professional growth and development


4.3 Advocate for equitable compensation for all staff


4.4 Become a learning organization, where staff are empowered to test and scale innovative solutions that improve quality


4.5 Ensure our corporate services are sustainable resourced to meet the growing needs of our programs and services.


4.6 Provide staff with the technology they require to thrive in their daily work

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© 2022 by Centretown Community Health Centre. Designed and developed by LONDONmiddlebury.


420 Cooper Street Ottawa,
Ontario K2P 2N6


Tel: (613) 233-4443

Closest Bus Stop:
Bank St. and Somerset St.
(Bus routes  6, 7, and 11)

Hours of Operation:

Monday: 8:45 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. 

Tuesday: 8:45 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. 

Wednesday: 8:45 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. 
Thursday: 12:45 p.m.- 4:45 p.m.
Friday: 8:45 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. 

Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: CLOSED


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