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Statement on the Right of Individuals to Informed Consent

We support the rights of individuals to have informed access to primary healthcare, including gender affirming healthcare. CCHC is deeply concerned about politicians interfering with individuals’ ability to practice informed consent and access safe, well-evidenced, healthcare. It is also concerning that these personal choices are being used in public debate rather than kept within the privacy of the provider-client relationship.

Informed consent means that the client understands the effects and potential impacts of medical decisions and procedures. Informed consent is critical for individuals’ bodily autonomy in all facets of healthcare and we condemn any encroachment on these pillars of human rights.

In Canada, individuals have the right to consent to healthcare procedures. There is no legal age of consent for medical treatment with the exception of the province of Quebec that established it at 14 years of age. These decisions are made between an individual and their healthcare provider who assesses whether the individual has demonstrated they can give informed consent - the capacity to understand the nature and anticipated effect of the proposed treatment. This remains a decision between an individual and their healthcare provider.

Informed consent, bodily autonomy, and the provider-client relationship must be respected for people to make personal care decisions, no matter who they are or how they identify.

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