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Celebrating accreditation success

We are pleased to share that Centretown Community Health Centre has again achieved accreditation through the Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA). Being CCA Accredited helps us to better serve our community by ensuring that we continue to meet high standards for quality care.

During its October 2018 review, CCHC met all mandatory standards and 98% of the leading practice standards. We are proud to announce that this recent success means our accreditation has been extended for another four-year term, to February 2023.

What did the review team find?

The findings included:

  • Strong values-based and evidence-based approach to care delivery: The review team noted that our commitment to high quality, client-centred care was evident throughout our organizational reports and the research initiatives that were guiding the continuous improvement of our practices and services.

  • Collaboration: We are seen as a collaborator, partner and leader in the community—from creating a joint strategic plan with other community health centres to the extensive environmental scan undertaken to support a better understanding of the needs of the community.

  • Client care: It was clear to the review team that CCHC staff work to meet the clients “where they are at”. The final accreditation report includes, “Services provided were based on needs, informed consent and was done in a caring respectful way. Those clients interviewed stated that Centretown Community Health Centre helped them through very difficult times and continues to support them in a knowledgeable, professional and caring manner. Clients were impressed in how staff continually assessed their needs and connected them with internal and external resources. ”

  • Engagement: The review team noted how CCHC responded in creative and innovative ways to community needs. CCHC ensured client participation in the co-design and implementation of many programs and services. An example was the Trans Health program. Engaging the trans and gender diverse community to participate in the design and implementation of the program helped to ensure its success.

Review team conclusions

The report conclusion commends CCHC on our commitment to advocacy and community engagement. It also states that “…Through its qualified and dedicated team of professionals and volunteers, the Centre clearly takes a client-centred approach.”

Congratulations to all!

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